
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Counseling Lessons

Mrs. McHone, our school counselor, has been spending time in each of our 3rd grade classes.  This month her lessons are focusing on Kelso's Wheel which includes a set of conflict management lessons.  

Kelso the frog teaches students how to solve “small” problems on their own. “Small” problems include conflicts that cause “small” feelings of annoyance, embarrassment, boredom, etc. “BIG problems” always need to be taken to an adult. 
Kelso has nine choices to solve “small problems.” These are illustrated in the Kelso’s Choice Wheel. They include:

I'm sure your children would love to explain it to you!  And it's a great tool to use at home with siblings and friends! Check out the Parent Webpage: 
Kelso's Choices Parent Page

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dental Health and Sealants

This week, third graders learned about the importance of dental health. Each student got a new toothbrush and practiced effective brushing techniques. Please remind your student to take their new toothbrush out of their backpacks.

The dental sealant van will be coming to Earl Boyles in January. Your child will bring home a permission slip about dental sealants. Please sign the form if you do, or do not want your child to get dental sealants, and return the form to school. If 90% of the permission forms are signed and returned, our classroom will get new books for our classroom library!

Thank you!

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Students will be dismissed at 2:00 this Monday, November 21st. 
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday evening from 4:00-8:00pm, and on Tuesday from 8:00am-8:00pm. 
*There is no school for students on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (Nov. 22-25). 

Please bring your child to parent teacher conferences. We look forward to seeing you all! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Art inspired from the Portland Children's Museum
By Mrs. Burch & Mrs. Rauch's Class
Just a few examples of students using their voice to explain what is important to them.  Check out the rest during Conferences Monday, Nov 21st from 4-8pm and Tuesday, Nov 22nd from 8am-8pm.

Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Although we are moving into exploring fractions, our 3rd graders worked incredibly hard on finding an effective strategy to add and subtract numbers to and from 1,000.  This learning was more than just remembering steps to solve a problem.  The students were constructing meaning of the numbers and continuing to understand the value of each number and how it is added or taken away.  As well as, learning how to explain their thinking.  This learning was very in-depth and pushed them all to really think about their learning.  All the while, keeping our Growth Mindset in mind as we worked through, made mistakes, fixed mistakes and furthered our learning.  We were very proud of these kiddos for their hard work! 

Fall Trees 
By Mrs. Burch & Mrs. Rauch's class

Third Grade Update

Here are some of the Learning Targets for the week:

Math - Working with fractions and using fraction vocabulary (numerator, denominator, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, etc.)

Reading - Using Text Features to locate information (Table of Contents, Index, Glossary, Highlighted or Bolded words, Captions, Sidebars, etc.), and comparing and contrasting books.

English Language Development (ELD) - We began "Walk to Language" this week where students walk to different third grade classrooms based on their language levels. We did "Mental Math Talks" as well as retold stories using sentence frames.

Writing - Students added details, transition words, revised and edited their Opinion papers.

*There is no school on Monday however, the office will be open if you still need to turn in cookie dough orders and money. Monday is the last day to turn in cookie dough and money!

Remember to have your child fill out those Rockin' Readers. Have fun reading together or with other family members, or students can just read to themselves.

Please look in this week's Wednesday folders for your scheduled conference time. Conferences will take place on Monday, Nov. 21st from 4:00-8:00pm and Tuesday, Nov. 22nd from 8:00am-8:00pm. 

Community Building
It has sure been an eventful week. On Wednesday morning following Election Day, there were a variety of feelings that students expressed. Some were happy, sad, scared, or indifferent. We had a class meeting to validate feelings and talked about how it's okay to disagree, but it's not okay to be mean, and that we are a community even if we disagree on things. We shared two light hearted and fun videos from "Kid President" on how to disagree and another on "20 Things We Should Say More Often."
Our class discussed ways we can work together as a community, and healthy ways to handle disagreements. Finally, we talked about the things we are thankful for in our lives. Most students said they were thankful for their parents! They love you so much!!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

We've had a number of students show interest in homework...if your child is interested in practicing what we are learning at home, grab a spiral notebook and complete one of these tasks!  
We will try and post these periodically for those interested.
Homework Ideas!
For the week of
October 24th, 2016

Please complete each task/activity in your homework journal:
1.  Copy and complete the cause and effect chart by thinking of the missing cause or effect.  Try and build the chart and come up with your own ideas!

Cause (When)
Effect (Then)
When Tim forgot his library book,
Then Keegan was hungry
Then Erin had to call a tow truck.
When papa hid the cookies in the cupboard,

2. Mile’s farm grew 365 pumpkins.  Ailani’s farm grew 278 pumpkins.  How many pumpkins did they both grow together?  Show your thinking in as many different ways possible!

3.  Write another short write of something exciting that has happened outside of school. Make sure to:
·      Use one color word
·      Use one sound word

·      Read your writing to a grown up at home and see if they have any suggestions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

3rd GRADE TARGET for Math this week. "I can describe rounding to the nearest ten and hundred on a number line. We are using this chant as a strategy.

Mrs. McGowan's Color Poems

Summer turns everything to yellow.
Yellow flowers, yellow cars, yellow leaves.
Yellow ice cream shining.
Shining in a bowl of cherries.

By Tammy

Winter turns everything to white.
White snow-white bunnies white ice.
White, bunnies jumping.
Jumping bunnies in the snow.

By Ruben

Winter turns everything to white.
White trees white snow-white houses.
White icicles hanging.
Hanging on the houses.

By Miranda

Halloween turns everything to orange.
Orange pumpkins orange trees orange butterflies.
Orange leaves, gliding.
Orange leaves floating away.

By Kaedon

Spring turns everything to green.
Green leaves green grass green flowers.
Green leaves, blowing.
Blowing leaves in the sun.

By Desi

Winter turns everything to white.
White trees white snow-white lakes.
White lakes freezing.
Freezing lakes in the fog.

By Myka

Winter turns everything to white.
White grass white leaves white houses.
White snow blowing.
Blowing outside.


Summer turns everything red.
Red flowers red leaves red sun.
Red cars driving.
Driving to the lake.


Fall turns everything to orange.
Orange leaves orange grass orange trees.
Orange, branches, falling.
Blowing leaves in the wind.

By Caiden

Sunset turns everything to purple.
Purple skies purple lights purple cars.
Purple streets glowing.
Glowing because the sun is going down.

By Isiah

Snow turns everything to white.
White grass white homes white slides.
White rooftops blowing.
Blowing in the snow.

By Dylan

Winter turns everything to white.
White roof tops white ground white trees.
White snow falling on the rooftops.
Falling snow on the trees.

By Van

Summer turns everything to yellow.
Yellow sun yellow flowers yellow bees.
Yellow pants bees buzzing.
Buzzing bees around the sun.

By Tyrone

Winter turns everything to white.
White trees, white breeze, white leaves.
White owl freezing.
Freezing in the snow.

By Brianna

Winter turns everything to white.
White trees white roofs white snowflakes.
White snowballs, throwing.
Throwing snowballs and having fun.

By Braden

Summer turns everything to green.
Green grass green trees green cars.
Green flowers growing.
Blooming in the sun.

By Veronica

Halloween turns everything to orange.
Orange leaves, orange sun, orange close.
Orange kids scaring.
Scaring kids on Halloween.

By Odalys

Winter turns everything to white.
White snow, white ice, white trees.
White owls hunting.
Hunting for the mink in the thick white snow.

By Sabrina

Winter turns everything to white.
White snow, white bunny, white grass.
White trees slippery.
Slippery ice melting.

By Melissa

Winter turns everything to white.
White snow, white trees, white trees.
White snowflakes falling.
Falling flying in the sky.

By Alena

Summer turns everything to yellow.
Yellow sun, yellow sky, yellow water.
Yellow popsicles shining.
Shining in the sun.

By Damien

Fall turns everything to orange.
Orange leaves orange flowers orange bushes.
Orange grass blowing.
Blowing from the breeze.

By Danny

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Color Poems

In writing, students recently created images through precise language and wrote color poems about the topic of their choice.
Standard L.3.3.a

Winter turns everything to ice
White clouds, white snow, white houses
White polar bears, hunting for fish
Polar bears preparing for winter.

Spring turns everything to green
Green grass, green rainbows, green stem of a plant
Green leaves blowing
Flowers blooming in the ground.

Summer turns everything to green
Green pears, green leaves, green moss
Green crocodiles finding food
Green alligators cooling off.

Halloween turns everything to black
Black spiders, black houses, black sky
Black cats running in the dark
Scaring kids and sneaking around houses.

Winter turns everything to ice
White ground, white lakes, white snow
White Polar bears hunting for fish
Polar bears preparing for winter.

Christmas turns everything to white
White snow, white frozen water, white trees
White bears sleeping
Hibernating in a cave.

Winter turns everything to white
White snow, white rooftops, white ice cycles
White snowflakes falling
Landing on the grass.

Christmas turns everything to white
White snow, white leaves, white squirrel
White snow rabbits hunting
Snow rabbits romping in the snow.

Winter turns everything to white
White snow, white cars, white concrete
White snow falling
Blowing in my face.

Halloween turns everything to orange and black
Black costumes, orange pumpkins, black decorations
Orange pumpkin costumes being bought
Trick-or-treating for candy.

Christmas turns everything to green
Green ornaments, green presents, green trees
Green trees falling
Presents being opened.

Winter turns everything to white
White snow, white ice, white grass
White polar bears hunting for food
Polar bears preparing for winter.

Winter turns everything to white
White snow, white clouds, white sidewalks
White Polar bears hunting for prey
Polar bears preparing for the winter.

December turns everything to white
White snow, white snowbirds, white sidewalks
White Arctic foxes running
Hunting for the snowbirds.

Summer turns everything to yellow
Yellow sun, yellow crayons, yellow ice cream
Yellow sand being made into sandcastles
Wet sand sticking to my hands.

Night turns everything to black
Black dog, black sky, black cars
Black cat jumping
Prowling into the night.

Sun turns everything to green
Green grass, green trees, green cornfields
green pears growing fat
Growing to get ready for harvest.

Christmas turns everything to white
White snow, white trees, white clouds
White cold grass freezing to death
Prowling Arctic foxes at night.

December turns everything to green
Green Christmas lights, green hollies, green Christmas trees
Green grass dancing from the wind
Green shrubs frosting from the wind.

Halloween turns everything to black
Black costumes, black cats, black ants
Black costumes walking
Running from house to house to get candy.

Halloween turns everything to black.
Black cats, black bats, black spiders
Black costumes trick-or-treating
Visiting houses for sweets!

Winter turns everything to white
White snow, white tree, white house
White icicles dripping
Wetting my hands.

Sun turns everything blue
Blue sky, blue water, blue flowers
Blue flowers growing
Blooming in the garden.