
Saturday, November 19, 2016


Students will be dismissed at 2:00 this Monday, November 21st. 
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday evening from 4:00-8:00pm, and on Tuesday from 8:00am-8:00pm. 
*There is no school for students on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (Nov. 22-25). 

Please bring your child to parent teacher conferences. We look forward to seeing you all! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Art inspired from the Portland Children's Museum
By Mrs. Burch & Mrs. Rauch's Class
Just a few examples of students using their voice to explain what is important to them.  Check out the rest during Conferences Monday, Nov 21st from 4-8pm and Tuesday, Nov 22nd from 8am-8pm.

Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Although we are moving into exploring fractions, our 3rd graders worked incredibly hard on finding an effective strategy to add and subtract numbers to and from 1,000.  This learning was more than just remembering steps to solve a problem.  The students were constructing meaning of the numbers and continuing to understand the value of each number and how it is added or taken away.  As well as, learning how to explain their thinking.  This learning was very in-depth and pushed them all to really think about their learning.  All the while, keeping our Growth Mindset in mind as we worked through, made mistakes, fixed mistakes and furthered our learning.  We were very proud of these kiddos for their hard work! 

Fall Trees 
By Mrs. Burch & Mrs. Rauch's class

Third Grade Update

Here are some of the Learning Targets for the week:

Math - Working with fractions and using fraction vocabulary (numerator, denominator, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, etc.)

Reading - Using Text Features to locate information (Table of Contents, Index, Glossary, Highlighted or Bolded words, Captions, Sidebars, etc.), and comparing and contrasting books.

English Language Development (ELD) - We began "Walk to Language" this week where students walk to different third grade classrooms based on their language levels. We did "Mental Math Talks" as well as retold stories using sentence frames.

Writing - Students added details, transition words, revised and edited their Opinion papers.

*There is no school on Monday however, the office will be open if you still need to turn in cookie dough orders and money. Monday is the last day to turn in cookie dough and money!

Remember to have your child fill out those Rockin' Readers. Have fun reading together or with other family members, or students can just read to themselves.

Please look in this week's Wednesday folders for your scheduled conference time. Conferences will take place on Monday, Nov. 21st from 4:00-8:00pm and Tuesday, Nov. 22nd from 8:00am-8:00pm. 

Community Building
It has sure been an eventful week. On Wednesday morning following Election Day, there were a variety of feelings that students expressed. Some were happy, sad, scared, or indifferent. We had a class meeting to validate feelings and talked about how it's okay to disagree, but it's not okay to be mean, and that we are a community even if we disagree on things. We shared two light hearted and fun videos from "Kid President" on how to disagree and another on "20 Things We Should Say More Often."
Our class discussed ways we can work together as a community, and healthy ways to handle disagreements. Finally, we talked about the things we are thankful for in our lives. Most students said they were thankful for their parents! They love you so much!!!